Where We Come Together as Family
Holy Childhood School welcomes and values parent, family, staff, faculty involvement. This synergy is a key component to our success.
You are more than just a member of H.O.P.E. You are a member of our Holy Childhood School family. Our family is best when we come together. Our students and faculty come together every day. One important way we come together as parents is through the activities sponsored by H.O.P.E.
Everyone who is a parent or grandparent or a member of the staff/faculty are invited to participate. All you have to do is show up at our monthly meetings.
In addition to being a place where parents come together in support of one another and the overall educational program at Holy Childhood, we also conduct fundraising in support of special programming and activities that benefit our children.
The purpose of this organization is to promote the spiritual enrichment of its members and their families; to foster a closer union between the home and the school; to promote the physical welfare of the children in our school; and to support and give the necessary material aid for the maintenance and improvement of the school so that it may better carry out the purpose of educating our children.
For example, HOPE raises money to purchase educational items for the classes, send the classes on field trips, purchase necessary items for the school, sponsor parties (Fall Festival, Christmas, and School Picnic), etc.
All parents who have children registered in Holy Childhood School, as well as faculty and staff of Holy Childhood School are automatically members of the organization. All Lifetime Members of Holy Childhood Mothers’ Club are members of the organization.
Regular meetings shall be held 4 times yearly from September to May unless advised otherwise. The time of the meetings shall be at 6:30 p.m., unless announced otherwise.
There are no dues for membership.
Best Choice Labels – Our club saves “Best Choice” labels from products that can be purchased from the local grocery store, Tom’s Supermarkets. For every 1000 labels that we turn in, our club receives $30.00. In addition, we receive a $30.00 bonus at some point during the school year. What an easy way to make some money for the school!
Box Tops – Our club saves Box Tops for the “Box Top$ For Education” program offered by General Mills. We receive 10¢ in cash for every Box Top we turn in.
Magazine Sales – Our major fundraiser is a magazine program. Each HOPE family is asked to purchase their magazine subscriptions and renewals through “QSP” (a Reader’s Digest Company), as well as to ask friends to purchase their subscriptions. We ask that students and their families do not go door to door selling magazines. Our club receives 40% of the profits from the sales. Our first year we made over $2,000 with only approximately 40 families participating. The last two years we made over $9,000 in a two to three week time frame.
Playground/Cafeteria Helpers – Parents and grandparents are asked to volunteer a few hours a day, a week, or a month, to help at lunch in the cafeteria and supervise the playground during lunch recesses. If we can provide volunteers, this frees up more time for our teachers to work on other projects, grade papers, give them a break, etc.
Confirmation Reception – The Room Parent Chairperson coordinates with the 7th Grade Room Parents to sponsor a reception after Confirmation. Snacks and drinks are provided to the Confirmation class and their families.
School Picnic – Each year, our club sponsors the annual School Picnic for all students. The picnic is typically held at school in May with activities to be determined. Club members are encouraged to volunteer as needed.
Skating Party – Each year, our club sponsors a Skating Party for Holy Childhood Students and their Families at Fun Spot Skating Rink, Belleville, Illinois. Skate rental is not included.
Our Parish Renewal Prayer says it all: Holy Spirit, open our minds and hearts to receive your wisdom. Give us the courage to become more like Jesus in all that we do and say. Amen.