The Extended Care Program is supervised by hired personnel here at Holy Childhood School. A flexible schedule is planned weekly by the staff and will include snacks, indoor and outdoor playtime, quiet homework time, crafts, games, puzzles and other activities.

An Application Form, Attendance Schedule and Registration Agreement must be completed by parents of all participants.

Any Holy Childhood School student may use the program for as many hours and/or days needed as provided by the program.

If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please call Mrs. Tiffany Simon, Extended Care Director, at 618-491-0126 or 618-566-2922 ext. 206 or email

Everyone using Extended Care (Before and/or After Care) must complete the registration forms and pay the $20 registration fee.  This fee is per child per program.

Registration for Extended Care is available when enrolling your student online or by completing the Extended Care Registration Form.

Fees are collected only for the days used. Fees may be paid through the ProCare App (app information will be provided by After Care Director) or by cash/check (payable to HCS) in the school office.  Payments are expected in a timely manner.  Excessive unpaid fees may result in the child not being able to attend the program.

After Care ends at 6:00pm.  All children must be picked up no later than 6:00pm.  If you are late picking up your child, a late fee of $5.00 will be charged for every 15 minutes (or fraction thereof) you are late.  We ask that you please notify the After Care staff if you will be late.  After 3 late pickups, your child will no longer be eligible to attend the program.

There will be no Aftercare on school days with early dismissal.

Only those people authorized by you on your pick up list will be allowed to pick up your child.  We ask that you sign your child out each day.

Students participating in the Holy Childhood After Care Program will be expected to obey and respect all staff and other students in the program.  They will follow the same school rules, policies, dress code, and conduct that they follow during the regular school day.  This policy will be firmly enforced so as to ensure the best experience for all children and staff.  All children are registered on a trial basis.  If the program does not meet your child’s needs or your child is unable to adapt to the program, a conference will be held first with the Extended Care staff, and if necessary, with the principal to correct any problems that may occur.  Our ultimate concern is your child’s safety and well-being.  Your cooperation is essential for the success of our program.

If medication is required during After Care hours, only prescription medication may be dispensed.  A Parent Consent form must be completed by the parent or guardian and a Physician’s Statement Form must be completed by the child’s physician and accompany the medication.  (Forms are available in the school office.)