Mrs. Yarber

It is my pleasure and honor to introduce myself as the principal of Holy Childhood School.  I am extremely excited to join the HCS school community! 

This is the start of my 20th year in education.  My career began at Belle Valley as an elementary teacher.  During my eleven years at BVS, I taught fifth and seventh grades and served on many leadership teams which were designed to enhance the educational support for students.  I transitioned to Mascoutah School District in 2013 as a middle school mathematics teacher, which I was then offered the opportunity to lead the first Department of Defence grant in mathematics.  Ultimately this shift led me to my passion of empowering and building teacher’s capacity to encourage the students to grow. Over the last five years, I have served as the curriculum and instructional support coordinator and the DoDEA grant project manager.  

Like you, I am blessed with a wonderful family.  My husband, Chad, and I were married at HSC eighteen years ago, and have welcomed three beautiful girls into our family.  My oldest daughter, Payton, is beginning high school and is an avid volleyball player.  Kaitlyn is venturing into middle school as a sixth grader, and enjoys helping younger kids.  Our youngest daughter, Aubrey, has an inquisitive mind and thinks outside the box.  She is going into 3rd grade. 

I view education as a lifelong process.  I feel if we stop learning, we become stagnant.  This drives my enthusiasm for supporting and building our teachers who in turn empower our students to fly.  I am excited to bring my experience, my openness to learn, and my student centered approach to HCS. Relationships between families and the school are vital to the success of our students, and I know HCS is extremely lucky to have caring and supportive families. I look forward to collaborating and learning from each other while we continue to expand our students’ knowledge and prepare them for the transition after HCS.  

I am here to serve the HCS students and community, and I will make every effort to see ALL students succeed and reach their full potential.  I vow to give my all to educating our students, and will ask the same from our staff and school community.  Together we will continue to grow Holy Childhood students through a rich, faith based, learning environment guided with love and encouragement towards a bright future.  

Mrs. Yarber